I have ADHD and executive dysfunction, resulting in horrid eating habits my whole life. My body just doesn’t tell me it is hungry and pre-pregnancy, I could go days without eating. My husband is the same way. I am panicked about staying on top of baby feedings and noticing patterns. The Pocket Nanny tracker where you press the button of the feed, diaper change, etc, seems to be popular but doesn’t log it anywhere. Has anyone heard of these and have a recommendation for one that logs as well?
BCBS but also be sure to ask for an itemized "inventory" of expenses from Pathways because they told me I had maxed out (but I ended up having like half the fund left, even after BCBS billed them)
I'm on UHC, I think the biggest challenge I found though is finding a surgical center which takes insurance at all for these kinds of procedures. It would be worth checking that out in your local area first.
I’m on BCBS and agree with EY1. Find out which provider you want to work with and see which insurance they take. Where I live, there are two great IVF facilities. One takes BCBS, the other takes UHC. Both insurances cost exactly the same, so take the one that covers your preferred facility.
You can use https://www.fertilityiq.com/ but be sure to select a center and doctor who is IN network. A doctor at one clinic may be in network but another might not be so be sure to confirm.
I'm on Anthem and it worked great!