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I’m think only we can appreciate this thought.

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Ask them to examine the words and phrases they use to refer to their older colleagues — “ok boomer”, “olds”, are offensive. Much like they don’t like being called “kids”.
Don’t assume I am technologically inept - I have a CS degree and spent 10 years as a developer prior to consulting. I’ve found many younger colleagues who have taken programming classes in college but with zero work experience .... and they assume I know nothing based on my age.
That’s a great observation 👍🏼
Grow up. 😊
Respect that 🤙🏼 I’ll be attending VCU in the Fall and was thinking of making a web-series for Brandcenter, ageism being a topic.
Stop feeling like you can run the company two years out of school . Be open to what experienced people bring and how necessary they are to a company
Sure. Wish you could fix my typos. |:
Not to defend them, but we thought the same when we were that age
when I first started my career I knew I knew nothing and I researched throughly before I asked any question. I was terrified of looking like I didn’t try.
I actually called someone out this week - I didn't use the word "agism", but they got the point.
I'm usually fine with using collaboration tools like Google docs to all edit in one place. But, this week, I needed to print out a draft proposal and quietly sit and read it front to back. On paper.
I got tons of flack for it, and finally said look, we have flexible ways of working to suit our needs. This, right now, is me exercising the flexibility that I need. I was frustrated trying to read online with some much changing as I was reading. Flexibility doesn't automatically mean the old ways of working are inherently bad.
Now I've been labeled a grumpy old lady.
Ageism is real but no one focuses on it . It’s all about equality in other ways , but discrimination against age is being ignored
Social media and “culture fit” has created a hyper-biased workplace reality. It is very hard going against that fast flowing river to nowhere. I’d very much like to know the answer of how we’ll break the cycle of pretentious ode to diversity and use data to keep behaviors in check.
It’s about time to bring ageism to the forefront. Thank you John.
Stop using any words that end in “ism”....