Anyone go into product marketing or product management? Would love to hear your experience.

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Y.O.E - 4

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Hello 👋🏾

I'm currently looking for EA roles, remote preferably because I am not based in the United States.

Any help or referrals will really be appreciated. Thank you.

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Any kind fishes out there to help me get a referral to get into Consulting please. Any good company is fine by me. I am quite flexible in terms of choosing a company at the moment as learning is important for me. Any kind help would be much appreciated.
I have been striving since a year to get into consulting but no luck!

I have prior work experience of 14 years in customer relationship management and business development.

Thank you in advance!

Happy swimming!


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Additional Posts in Law Exit Opportunities

I work with great people. Really can’t say anything bad about my firm in general either. But…I still dislike the entire premise of law firm life, the billable hour, etc.. I’d love to work in a law school setting as a counselor or something but I can’t afford the pay cut. *sigh* Does anyone feel like being a lawyer is just doing homework all day? First world problems I suppose. I’m very thankful to have a job ❤️


Posted in another bowl but looking for more long should I work in Big Law before exiting? Currently at a V10 firm, NYC office


I’m hoping someone might have some ideas about this- I’m currently five years out of law school with a clerkship, a tax LLM, 3 years of experience doing transactional tax work and a few months of EC/VC experience (which I recently switched to from tax). I like the EC/VC work, but I don’t know how long I want to stay in biglaw. Can anyone weigh in on how employers for in-house roles might look at my experience in a year or two?


Rising 4th year at a small class action firm in Chicago. Love the work, hate the job, looking to move. Started as a clerk, so never had to look for a job & have no idea where, when, how to start. Help

Anyone leave law out of restlessness? I did law as my second career and have now had four FT law jobs in 12 yrs, each an improvement /better fit than the last. But after less than a year at my latest job (which I worked my ass off to get - including taking the CA bar while working FT) I'm thinking what's next and tired of lawyering. The job is great, I'm just not interested in advancing to partner. I think I just get bored very easily.


I’m considering an opportunity to work in house at a large private equity shop. Anyone have any first hand and direct insights about how working in house at a private equity firm compares to working in the m&a practice of a V10 law firm? I’ve done my research but looking for any honest opinions from folks who have made a similar move. Thanks!


Is it possible to lateral into a big law firm with no previous big law experience, with no superb academic credentials and graduated from a T4 law school?


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Has anyone gone into compliance for a state university & hospital? As counsel or a compliance officer? Looking for insight how this compares to firm lifestyle & billable hours.


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Lately, for some reason, I feel like I’ve really hit a wall. I feel no motivation to do anything and constantly procrastinate until the last minute to work on an assignment. Then, I’d stress about doing a bad job and getting fired. This is a vicious cycle and I know that I should seek counseling. But beyond that, what else should I do? Has anyone experienced this before, and how did you get out of this cycle?


Any tips on lateraling to a totally different practice area?


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Have you or anyone you know left law to take up a trade? Someone I trust suggested I’d be happier learning a trade than I am at my Biglaw job. I’ve thought the same thing in the past. Just curious if anyone has ever made that kind of move and found it to be the right one.


Anyone hoping to transit to product managers from law? If so, can we have a peer support group? Thanks!


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I need out of the legal field for a job with independence, interesting and challenging issues to solve and a decent amount of pay. Halp!


What are some potential exit options for a lawyer who has been practicing in-house in big tech for 4+ years? It’s been very broad range of areas, like privacy, product etc.


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Anyone here leave law firm life to open a franchise? Love to hear some experiences.


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