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What have been your best covid19 pm practices?
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Additional Posts in Employee Benefits
Has anyone experienced 4 days work week? 🐻
Slalom paternity leave?
Accenture: no lay-off this fiscal year.
That’s good thing
Taking PTO if you have covid-19.
That’s a federal requirement. I think it’s 15 days in addition to what you get normally.
$150 for accessories at McK
EY did $175 for a monitor and allowed us to extend vacation carryover. I believe that's it so far though.
We're typically allowed to carryover PY vacation hours until 6/30, at which point they expire, no payout or anything. They're allowing 40 hours of PY to carry until 9/30 as of right now
EY gave $175 for monitor, $7 for HDMI, and if needed will pay for desk/chair/anything else with partner approval.
Really? Not hear about desk/chair
What’s the charge code OP?
D1 it’s a specific link of service now from there you can purchase
RSM provides $50 per diem for meals every week
EY basically let us reimburse for monitor/hdmi expenses up to $200 and $7 for hdmi
Deloitte BE: nothing
EY Canada: up to $200 for monitors and chairs
You can get a chair in the US with approval...
Wait where did you find out about the Deloitte $50???
Maybe it’s just a specific group in Deloitte because I don’t think I got an email :(
Does BCG have anything?
Might differ by offices