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This is not a solution; this is why so many attacks begin with harvesting credentials.
Please do not use one password for all your accounts; you place all your eggs in one basket.
If your password is stolen, then they have access to everything instead of just the one account.
A better suggestion is to use passphrases or a password manager, but it doesn't make sense to make it easy for an attacker to access your systems.
Very good place to work
I finished my final round(s) for a TAM position at Google (GCP) last week and was told by my recruiter that my feedback was great and that I made a solid impression on the team and am "firmly in the running". I was supposed to hear back this week (according to the recruiter) but he just told me that it's still in the process and that I'll have to wait for another week or so.
Is this common at Google ? I have heard they are notorious for being really slow with their hiring process.
Additional Posts in FIRE Financial Independence Retire Early
Any advice from a soon to be landlord?
Does it make sense to put money in I-bonds ?
How much you got left in each
87K Private, 116k federal
Current Earnest rates are as low as 2.14% for variable rate and 3.45% for fixed. If interest on any of your loans are greater than that, refinance. It should be a pretty slam dunk decision.
I would refinance all of it. That’s a lot.
SoFi started off as a well intentioned disruptive company but nowadays they are no better than others. They also got naming rights for the new LA football stadium for over $20M
Hey OP - I’ve been looking into this as well. First Republic Bank is offering some really strong rates hovering around 4% for a refinance. I’m also looking into the option of taking a HELOC. But definitely open to advice from others in this bowl (im a newbie to FIRE 🔥 )