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Is it HIPPA GDPR legal??? Big data here to save you! Awareness never seems to be the problem. It's that next step. Akin to take keys from relatives 80+ . You know they can't drive, but feel guilty/"not my problem" if something horrible goes down. "But there freedom." The layers of follow thru just collapse under weight of "not my problem." Then it becomes a collective problem. Seems to be a pitch from Palantir etc more than actual added value solutions.



@OP, NYT published a detailed story on the life of a very accomplished woman whose mental illness led to homelessness and death (

If we take her story and apply smartphones and technology of the past few years, I'm still skeptical of the end result. Some people's illness can be managed, but others cannot and they end up homeless, refusing the help that's offered. It's a consequence of the systems in our society... Can technology re-orient those ingrained systems?

Worth a thought.

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