How long did it take the company to contact you after your interview? To either set up another interview or offer you the job?

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Got my offer mid-burrito at chipotle 45 min after the interview


White rice, no beans, steak, pico, sour cream, cheese, and lettuce


1 day if they want you or need to fill a position quickly. However, if there is no urgency for them, it may take weeks. In this case, it makes sense to follow up with them.
One company came to me 2 years (!) after an interview and proposed to continue interviewing.


My experiences have usually been around a week or two. Definitely depends on their needs and situation though, so it can vary.


In my experience, if they're too eager it's a red flag. The less desperate they are, the better


most of the time, its before i get home from the interview - If they want you they want you & they know it...but the larger the company the longer you have to wait for them to make a decision.


if their internal process takes longer, they will explain that to you at the end of the interview...or at least they should!

It all depends. If they have an urgent need and they think you are a good match, things will move quickly. For example, 1 month ago a company contacted me. I talked to HR and they asked me to participate in a process (Director role)...I said ok and just yesterday I heard from them. Around the same time, another company contacted me. I talked to HR on Thursday, on Monday I had 3 interviews and on Friday I received the job offer.


WhAt sort of position are you lateraling to? Are you a SM/director at KPMG?

Had my interview a month ago and they are still stringing me along. About to tell them to forget it. At this point I'm clearly not a high priority, but 9/15 and 10/15 have been crazy so the tax folks have been busy on their team.


Never even got an interview, just all rejections.


It took 2 to 3 weeks to complete everything if they are serious.


It shouldn't take that long for a Property Accountant Position...if they haven't spoke or corresponded with you within a weeks time...then you probably didn't get the job...If a company really likes you, they don't want to risk you taking another job...because if they recognize your experience and talents, they know other companies will see it too & possibly snatch you up...its JUST LIKE Dating! LOL - you know within a few seconds if a date is going go well...


Depends on the market and need. The last time I was in the market, almost all offers came in within 20 minutes to 2 days. I had one outstanding after three days and I called the recruiter to tell them to take me out of the running and they were peeved but their competitors were more interested.


Got mine immediately after the interview while I was still in the office


1 day


My interview was at 10 am , got an offer emailed to me at around 2 pm the same day


Had my first interview on October 2nd and my last interview on October 7th. On 10/13 Heard from the director of financial reporting I’m their 1st choice but they are still interviewing. Hopefully I find out I got the job next week by the latest.


24 hours lol


Applied end of April. Contacted me beginning of august. Starting beginning of November. Yay government job!


Within 30 minutes after the second interview


You Could send a follow up email, "thank you for your time" ...a little nudge...and ALWAYS send an email if you DONT get the job....thank you for your consideration...I wish you luck...

25-30% of time, they regret their choice or the new person gets a raise or promotion to stay where they are at after they gave notice and who do think they will call if if doesn't work out with one they choose first...

They will call the first candidate that comes to keep your name in their mind...but dont' bug them...just a little...Hey remember me?

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