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I found out I have ASD when I went to get my psych eval updates for bar accommodations for my adhd diagnosis. The psych said I had many of the executive function issues that hallmark adhd and some of the impulse control issues but my other symptoms didn’t make sense with the diagnosis and talked to me about asd evaluation. It fit. It makes so much sense. Knowing helps me understand more of my struggles, but doesn’t make them easier to experience in the moment. The sensory issues worsen when I’m overwhelmed. I get way more literal. My executive function drops to nothing. I spend all of my free time trying to recover. And masking gets so much harder. Lately I always feel overwhelmed and out of control. I’m jumping out of my own skin. I think I need to get out of biglaw because I can’t figure out how to balance. At least with law school, I could burn myself out and then take winter/spring/summer break to recharge. Even with taking summer classes and working, the chance to recharge was there, but this environment is constant finals week feels.
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Once I started learning more about my son’s diagnosis and realized so much of it resonates with me my tolerance for things has fallen as well.
It’s like I don’t have the energy anymore to fight to keep what I know now is likely a mask.
I have loop earplugs that allow me to hear but lower the volume and those are great at home when my kid is being loud.
There is a Facebook group called Autism Inclusivity that has some helpful information if you scroll through the posts. Read through many before asking any questions, though, because they can get very upset if the right way to ask things is not used.
For instance, do not say you have autism. Say you are autistic. They highly emphasize this is posts.
My son was diagnosed with HFA and ADHD which led my husband and I to the realization that we both have both as well. My husband and I are both super high achieving but I think the realization has help us to try to prioritize getting better at our weaknesses.
👋 I found out my father is on the spectrum a few years ago and my nephew was diagnosed when Asperger’s was still being used. I and my mother have ADHD.
I had a lot of childhood medical and developmental trauma and I always though that was the cause of my mental health issues. Once I got the ADHD diagnosis my world changed and I’m realizing I do have traits as well. Taught myself to read at 3, massive sensory processing issues, and many more.
What a relief it is when I actually address the sensory stuff and don’t just white knuckle through the day.