My manager likes every comment I make in response to another person, if we’re in the same thread. Or will comment on top of my comments, repeating the same thing.

It feels like I’m completely hovered by them. Wtf is going on? It feels extremely suffocating. Am I overreacting? Anyone else experience this?

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At least they like them rather than want to tell you something you did wrong or micromanage how you do it.


Well at least your manager really likes you. It’s better than the alternative.


I haven't. It sounds kind of irksome, but I'd try to ignore it as best you can. It's much better to have them liking your comments and validating your ideas than ignoring them, disagreeing, etc. They might just be a bit awkward.


Sounds like they’re worried you’ll get noticed more than they will. Alternatively, could be mistaking it for “backing you up”…


I guess there are alternate ways to explain that. My first thought is that they're trying to fit in and just naturally assume that's the way to do it. Alternately, I guess there could be some weird passive aggressive tinge to it, but that's kind of a leap. It's definitely a modern world problem!


You may be overreacting a bit. Personally, it sounds like they’re doing a good job of supporting you. Letting others know that they have your back. I would take this as a positive sign and it’s good they’re engaged and keeping up with things.


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