What are the best consulting firms to have a clear path to exit into big tech?

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There is no clear path to exit into big tech


I generally have seen less success hiring from MBB or anyone that doesn’t have hands on experience implementing or managing technology.

Implementation or otherwise technology focused consultants generally do better.


Oracle- i think it could actually hurt

I mean tech consulting will def get you there. B4, Accenture


For strat/bizops/pm roles MBB. For other roles like DS/DA, doesn’t really matter. Any major consulting firm will get you an interview. Up to you to have the skills to get hires. Will say that no matter which firm, getting a product role coming from consulting is a long shot. You usually have to start in strat/analytics and work your way there.


I would agree and disagree.

For C and below, a lot of companies care less about sector knowledge and more about general capabilities.

That being said, for most bizops tech teams someone with sector knowledge from B4/T2 will be out MBB with none. But MBB person may get a chance and if it’s an MBB person with sector knowledge that supersedes.

There are also other tech bizops teams that overly index on pedigree and/or raw intellectual horsepower and care mostly about these vs any sector knowledge. And that leads to hiring dominated by MBB. I don’t love this approach but have come across it multiple times.




Anecdotally, tech consulting from Accenture/B4.

I’m leaving next week for Salesforce; had offers from Amazon and Microsoft too.


Heavy implementation focus firms , perhaps. But won’t be a clear path. If you are coding, you should try to move out earlier than later. Most stay until manager type of levels to find “better exits”. That is not true in case of big tech

But if you’re not a coder and you’re manager +, you will need to treat it as career switch. Break it into PM type roles. You may have a better shot if you were doing or managing implementations.


You need to identify the role you're targeting before you can determine the best consulting firms.

You want a strategy/ops/bizops role? MBB.

You want a role in program management, cloud, hcm, erp, crm? The implementation work at ACN, big 4 IBM is a great match for Amazon, Microsoft, Google, Oracle, Salesforce, and more.

You want a role in engineering or data? Any firm including no name ones are fine as long as you show you have the right skills.


Google is a massive hirer of our alums at all levels and it’s considered a relatively normal exit so seems like a fair way into the biz ops / strategy side of big tech.


Accenture exiting to big tech seems to be super common for all different types of roles


MBB and T2. Big 4 can also place into big tech (I've seen it for BizOps roles)


I really don’t see firm make a huge difference- tech is not hierarchical / prestige oriented.

PM needs product / tech delivery experience. Strat / bizops I see all MBB, Accenture, and Big 4


From my experience, Accenture! But definitely leave at Consultant




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