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I was interviewed 10 days ago n got email that I'm selected n asked to upload docs.They said my salary expectation is a bit high but I agreed to their mark(36% more than CCTC) as I was keen to get into that specific project.Now the HR called n said I can't be considered bcz of internal reason which can't be disclosed. She said "the market standards have been changed". I said evrythng was gud till ystdy rit. She said things changed overnight n she offered if I wanna join I can at join at jus >10% cctc
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Any startups looking for IT Leadership?
Elvis has aged better than this.

I am looking to learn more about the NPI program manager role at Apple. Specifically want to understand the following:
1. What's exactly the day to day beyond the fluff job post?
2. What skills will be considered critical to be successful in the role?
3. How is success defined in the role?
4. What does the career progression look like?
5. What background is considered desirable for this role? Can one get into this role without prior background in NPI?
Thanks in advance!
I was laughed at when I asked if we could expect a cost of living adjustment
Tell me about it. But we are getting a reviewed pay this April