Very limited in Sub-Saharan Africa. There are some big funds such as Helios, Emerging Capital Partners, and breakaways from Carlyle, KKR etc. Have tried this route myself (with substantial African experience) but the offices are primarily in Europe (or on the continent) and hard to gain traction.
More GE and less PE (LBO). You can likely break in with: 1) Non IB background but at least MBB 2) Some ties and knowledge to market (grew up in Brazil, know Vietnamese, family connected in Thailand)
Very limited in Sub-Saharan Africa. There are some big funds such as Helios, Emerging Capital Partners, and breakaways from Carlyle, KKR etc. Have tried this route myself (with substantial African experience) but the offices are primarily in Europe (or on the continent) and hard to gain traction.
Thanks for the detailed response!!
Subject Expert
More GE and less PE (LBO). You can likely break in with:
1) Non IB background but at least MBB
2) Some ties and knowledge to market (grew up in Brazil, know Vietnamese, family connected in Thailand)
Very early stage. Difficult to scale and capture attractive returns