I am interested in others experiences of on the job bullying in healthcare;
AMA defines as "repeated, emotionally or physically abusive, disrespectful, disruptive, inappropriate, insulting, intimidating or threatening behavior targeted at a specific individual or a group of individuals that manifests from a real or perceived power imbalance and is often, but not always, intended to control, embarrass, undermine, threaten, or otherwise harm the target.”
Bowl Leader
I think this will boil down to how well you can both communicate regularly and set expectations, both when you start and up until she leaves. Will there be other members of leadership that you can go to as a resource while she is out? Lining that up ahead of time can also help you be successful.
Very helpful advice. I am thinking of setting up a 1-1 casual debrief on bi weekly basis so he doesn’t feel disconnected. Offcourse if he wants it and welcome it :)