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Does anyone have recruiter contacts in San Fran?
What’s your take on Zoom/teleconference deps?
People in PA, how do you find value in our work?
Does anyone have recruiter contacts in San Fran?
Ask in a way to make it obvious they have to pay.
Something like: “ok, cool I can xx date, who’s coordinate the travel and the expenses?” As they will also have to pay for the taxi/Uber/Lyft from you home to the airport and any other expense.
Don’t be shy about it as it’s common.
Good luck
They always pay. Never heard a company have someone come to them, and they not pay. Not even juniors.
Ask if they coordinate travel or reimburse. That way you assume they pay, as you should. And will hopefully coordinate
Should they pay - yes.
Is it a guarantee - not necessarily. Did they reach out to you or you to them ?
Great, thanks all! It’s a director position so will be direct and ask!
I’m interviewing for junior positions and my travel & hotel were both paid for! The recruiter gave me the reimbursement details before my interview date, but if it’s not forthcoming, don’t hesitate to ask about their processes!
Just directly ask, Thanks, I look forward to meeting everyone in person. How will the travel arrangements and expenses be handled?
They may say that they only pay for travel for certain positions. If you are too junior they may not. It is bullshit but has happened to me early in my career.
my former agency didn’t below AD. i won’t name them (too small) but if you contacted them, you were expected to pay your way for the interview.
An agency in a different city wanted to bring me in for an interview., but I had to pay for my flight and hotel.
I didn’t pursue that one.
Hey AD, let us know what happen and what did they say about your travel?
Good luck on your interview!!!