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Looking for referrals for a CA friend of mine having very good experience in risk consulting around investigations on areas involving Anti-Corruption compliance in accordance with Foreign Corrupt Practices Act ("FCPA"), Dispute Advisory as per Indian laws, Fraud Risk Assessment to identify key fraud risks etc. Any relevant leads will be extremely helpful Deloitte EY Tata Consultancy Infosys
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Hi everyone. A PDM specialist here. Joined Deloitte 5+ years back as ‘Senior Solution Engineer -On-site’.Later in June 2017 all these ‘on-site’ folks got rebranded as PDM. Slowly started to realize how PDM is getting sidelined as a ‘discountable’ group. Sometimes I feel contract jobs are better than being at PDM , but obviously tied up with D for visa related issues.No career progression so far and don’t see any positive changes in the near future as well.I think it’s high time to call it a day.
This is a tough one because the utilization metric is designed around commercial projects which typically bills 45 hours per week. When you cannot bill more than 40 hours max, it means taking anymore than a few days of PTO will cause you not to reach utilization. One thing I suggest is speaking with your project leadership to see if the offering leaders have approved a lower utilization since no one on the project can bill more than 40 hours. They want you to take PTO so the answer is not to take no days off. My project summits something at year end stating 40 hours per week is the max so 90% utilization is everyone’s unofficial goal instead of 93%. On top of that, if you perform well, and your utilization is slightly below target (ie 88% or 89%), it won’t hurt you. I never missed a promotion for only missing utilization by a few points. Emphasis on perform well. Lastly, I recommend to anyone new on my team to take advantage of any OT opportunities that come your way throughout the year. Most projects have a busy time or random testing that needs to get done. If you volunteer to do a few extra hours whenever the opportunity arises, you won’t have as hard a time reaching utilization AND using all your PTO. Good luck!
D1 is completely correct. Just want to emphasize that at year end, one of the utilization impacts your coach is specifically asked to report is capped project hours (I.e. your project, which only allows you to work 40 hours per week). I’ve had many coachees miss utilization by small margins here and there, as long as I documented the legitimate reasons they all still did very well at year end.