I hate interviews so much. Not only are they stressful, as a high functioning autist sometimes I just lose train of thought. I faked a connection error today but the interviewer probably saw through it. I try to prepare so much but the interviewer throws curve balls and I’m like how tf do I respond? I just hate it I’m a good worker just have terrible interview skills


How to reject the offer politely after getting the offer letter. I gave the interview only to adjudge my value in the market and to hone my interview skills. The offer or the organisation is not something I want to go ahead with.

Please suggest some ways to reject the offer without burning bridges


I understand why my interview skills are lacking. Over the past years and all the audit positions taken, they only ask if I am alive then I get the jobs. Is it sometime I need to be happy or sad for.


What do McKinsey & Company Bain & Company Boston Consulting Group EY-Parthenon look for in an MBA graduate aside from the successful interview skills, problem solving, case studies etc. Do extra curricular, grades etc. matter? PwC


Anybody have someone they recommend in the NY/NJ area for interview skills/prep? Law firm interviews specifically. I am starting the process of attempting to lateral in the next few months and want to be sure I have all my bases covered as it took me a long time to find my current position.


Interview skills for Product Design interviews is very different from skills and mindset required to work in Product Design.

My personal experience in interviewing made me understand that I lacked a lot of things to excel in Interviews although I consider myself good in my work.

If I had to do it again, I will keep interviewing and keep improving portfolio and case studies. Although I will choose companies where I do not want to go first to practice.


Any tips on wowing interviewers so much that the state of the economy didn't effect you?

I've applied to hundreds, if not more jobs in the past few months. I've been told my resume and interview skills are great with no negative feedback even if I ask.

I'm tired of interviewing and want to just work again, but without taking a massive pay cut.


Looking for opportunities in good organisations

Trying Linkedin,
Naukri.com since past month, but ain't getting a chance even for an interview.

Skills : Full Stack Developer (C#, .Net, SQL, Blazor, CSS, Python, Microsoft Azure Certified in AZ-900, AZ-104 (Not just certifications, quite adept in them))

Experience : 24 Months
Current Designation - System Engineer at TCS

Any leads appreciated.
Thanks in advance


I want to tell anyone who’s feeling the interview burnout or defeat, to stay encouraged! I’d been actively applying and interviewing for 5 months but couldn’t land anything. Interviewing made me nervous, sweaty, and completely blank or lose my train of thought. I bettered my interview skills, specifically catered towards the interview questions I was hearing on a regular basis. I interviewed with 12 different companies and 25 interviews later, I FINALLY landed the job with the company I wanted!

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I have been interviewing for about two months now and have gotten interviews at about 10 different companys. I always make it through the process till a final round interview however I never receive an offer. I feel as though my interview skills are good. I am just wondering if this is normal or am I doing something terribly wrong to not of received an offer yet. I've had interviewers tell me quite a few times that I am a likable person and they enjoyed talking with me. Feeling pretty down :(


I’m a new grad, and it’s my first time applying to roles in a corporate setting. Can anyone make suggestions on ways to enhance my interview skills to secure a role at a reputable consulting firm?


I need your advice!
I was contacted via LI by an internal recruiter for a position. After 1st screening, the 3 step interview (skills check>head of department>team) started. 1st round went well, 2nd round was with unprepared substitute bc the boss was on
Vacation. I was told there might be another round bc the chief might wanna see me.
2 days later I now receive a follow up from my recruiter asking how the interview went and how I feel?
??? No internal communication? How should I take this?


Graduated in April with my PharmD/MBA degrees. I did two great biopharma internships, had my resume professionally edited, perfected my interview skills and started applying to jobs in January. I have talked to 20 plus recruiters maybe 3 have actually gotten me interviews the rest ghost me. I had an amazing interview last week (legit the guy told me they want a 3rd interview and it’s been a week and I texted him and never heard back. What am I supposed to do? I want a remote biopharma job :/


Who can help me out with interview skills, I am so good at what I do, but when it comes to interviews I tend to be so nervous.


Do case interview skills translate well to your actual responsibilities? Or do they become irrelevant in real-word situations/teams?


What is your best advice/tip for interviewing? I have 3 YOE and haven’t changed companies before so a little rusty on interview skills.


Please send all the helpful interviewing resources you have! I received yet another rejection and I want to work on my interview skills. I keep hearing how people skills are often more valuable than the actual job-related skills- makes it hard for us that are the nervous type 😔! I look good on paper but I think I need some help now in the actual interview. Thanks so much!


Is it terrible form to cancel the day before a job interview if you have no intention of taking an offer? Got an offer elsewhere and I don't like the company at all. More interviewing to see what else is out there and practice my interview skills.


I am a recent college graduate with a B.S in health sciences and I have had the hardest time trying to find a job. I’ve interviewed a few times with some going as many as 5 rounds and I still haven’t secured a job. What could I possibly be doing wrong? So far I’ve edited my resume and honed up my interview skills.

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Do all business analyst type jobs in industry use case interviews?

Been in consulting 3 years and realized I’ve lost my case interview skills


Need some tips for
Nagarro technical interview. Skills Java
Nagarro Infosys Tata Consultancy


What're some good interview questions to ask an employer. Even if you're not interested in taking the job but want to improve your interview skills?


Is it unethical to interview with companies and try to get the offer without having an intention to join? I want to use it as an opportunity to practice my interview skills before interview with my target companies.


Hi everyone, recently graduated associate here👋 perhaps a dumb question, but I wanted to know if applied to a job at Deloitte and got rejected after the first round of interview (approx 1 month ago), is it appropriate to apply to other roles within Deloitte?I’ve brushed up on my interview skills and resume since then and feel better about applying, but not sure if it looks bad since I got rejected from one role already?


This is not the first time that I got rejected after the the second-round interview with the hiring manager, namely, the AGC to whom the position report. I am not able to figure out why, which may help me improve my interview skills. I am very down. Any suggestions?


Anyone here looking to interview better? I found a free resource on interview preparation and mastering interview skills.


I want to exit into the crypto/web3 space more than anything. My biggest passion area and I would love to leverage my 3 YOE in cyber consulting to do it.

I’m not necessarily super technical. Had my first interview for an exchange and got turned down sadly. Idk if it was my interview skills or my lack of technical cyber knowledge.

I understand the big picture for IT Programs (prioritizing risk, federal guidance, compliance) and have a similar understanding of the web3 industry.



I recently moved to the US and I know I have poor interview skills because I’m not confident with my English. I just wish one company to take a chance on me and look beyond this weakness but I know that’s not the way it works. Any advice? It’s been months of applying and I’m becoming hopeless.


Does anyone ever just interview with random companies to stay sharp? I’m definitely not ready to leave consulting or my firm, but I want to keep my interview skills strong.


How long does it take to get an interview at FAANG? I want to work in tech one day and I’ve been pretty good with interviews but know I will need to polish my resume and interview skills so need to know how much in advance I should start preparation if I plan on moving by beginning of next year


I’m looking to get into a SDR/BDR position preferably in Saas. I had one string of interviews with a potential employer but unfortunately did not work out. After asking and receiving feedback on my interview, I have been heavily applying to other job postings. I pride myself on my interview skills but I can’t seem to make it past the initial screening through the job boards. Any tips on getting an interview? I have over 2 yrs of sales xp and am looking at entry level SDR positions.


Is my case interview skills correlated to my consulting work experience?


Anyone who has appeared for Bosch interview?
Skills- Data Science/ML.


Anyone who has appeared for Bosch interview?
Skills- Data Science/ML


Anyone who has appeared for Bosch interview?
Skills- Data Science/ML


Went through a 1st case only round at MK and heard back saying performance was not strong enough. I’m sincerely shocked, I know my case interview skills were not up to final round level but I can’t believe that I did not even pass the round. I have done 3 practice cases with current interviewers and not one of them did not pass me and I did those with way less prep than this. I’m just so sad and confused. Recruiter emailed back saying let’s discuss next steps later - any advice?🥺


Has anyone’s interview skills dropped off in a virtual setting? I used to have no problem with them in person but have been getting more tongue twisted and bad at answering easy questions than ever


Someone posted on linkedin that even if you love your job you should always apply to other jobs that you believe you’d have potential in, just so you sharp your interview skills and learn about how the market is compensating people in your role.

Thoughts on this?


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Hi All,

Can anyone guide me with the following-

What is the fastest way to learn to answer interview level SQL queries?

I am appearing for data engineering interviews.

I am not looking for tutorials as I know the basics.
Any crash course or interview prep would help.

I did try looking on youtube. But if anyone could help with specific channel or crash course name or website or content or strategy would be really helpful.

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Data engineering - 1 year


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Has anyone ever interviewed with Google or been approached? Not actively looking to move but a recruiter reached out with an interesting position and figured I'd at least listen.


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