Practising Catholic here - I don’t understand what specific catholic challenges I have at work? The biggest issue for me is the annoying Cardinal Pell and other rape jokes.

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Mainly it’s smiling and changing the subject when colleagues repeat common misconceptions about the church and its teachings. If someone prosecutes the case to me because they know I’m a practicing catholic, I’ll politely dismantle the argument , not that people want to accept that they were sold a bill of goods. But I live in a fairly intolerant secular area (urban west coast).


Building your brand without lies and exaggeration

Also we are not allowed to send greeting cards or share religion based tidbits in the office these days. Thinking about Easter egg bunnies, hot cross buns and Christmas cards. It’s not a challenge and certainly we don’t have to expose ourselves to the unwanted attention, just thinking that it would be nice to share the joy of the risen Lord especially during Easter. Also the chance to correct people when they think that Christmas is the birth of Santa Claus!


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Thanks for setting this up!


We are preparing for advent, the Byzantine Catholics are doing the Phillips Fast already (Nativiry fast).

Traditional Latin roman Rite Catholics will be entering Advent in two weeks with their traditional Monday, Wednesday, and Friday fast.

Advent is a pentitential season, it is a somber season as we prepare for Christ. We decirate for winter and prepare for the feast of Christmas.


How does being a consultant help or hinder your relationship with God?

Yes, love this!!


He is Risen! Happy Easter to you and your families! Hope you are able to celebrate the Octave without too much craziness at work getting in the way.


hi all !
it's quite dead here. what´s happening in your life ?


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Too quiet in here. Don't forget this week is holy week 😆

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Today is the thursday of the 2nd week after Easter in the Roman Rite Traditional Latin Calendar.

Jesus in the gospel, completes the touching portrait of the Good shepherd by showing him to us going


Hi all, wanted to share a couple things that have been real blessings to me and boosters to my faith lately in case they are helpful for anyone else: 1) CBSM - it’s a 4-year course that takes you though the whole Bible. Im in year 2 and love it. 2) Pints with Aquinas podcast. He has both long form/interview podcasts and also very short Bible study podcasts where he analyzes a verse or two and provides Aquinas’ view on it. If you have things that’ve helped your faith lately, I’d love to hear ‘em!


I’m a cradle Catholic and my faith has been a big part of my identity. I’ve been a liturgical minister, altar server, lector.. I’ve regularly gone for Catholic retreats, adult Catholic education etc. - all this to say I’ve been pretty serious and invested in my faith
However I’m having a crisis of faith right now. I’m appalled and embarrassed by the way in which the Catholic Church in America (where I now live) is IMO unashamedly political (cont.)


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Are y’all ready for Lent?


Really? Noone bothered posting even on easter? I can't with you guys 😆.
Well Happy Easter to you all. Hope you have a blessed one !


Who here is celebrating the Eight Day Lent of Mary :)


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Feast day of Our lady of Guadalupe. Ora pro Nobis.

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Happy Easter brothers and sisters! The Lord is risen Alleluia Alleluia!!


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