How to push for promotion? I am doing much more and much better than peers at the level above me. Ie: level of hires, time to fill, number of hires, building partnerships with internal stakeholders. Being recognized by candidates, hiring managers, nominations for awards each quarter, winning a couple. Been in this role for 1 year, foot on the gas the whole time.
your question looks like a business school case homework!?
I would personally take the latter. coming from the Ben admin space before the strategy work isn't as fun and most are on traditional saas models. though the role is more senior, I think there is a better chance of more meaningful work.
You’ll likely need modeling experience to get those roles so I’d say take the analyst role if you’re dead set on trying PE (deal team).
I think long term your chances to PE are small (assuming you have no banking exp and are not MBB) - you likely have a better path/quicker growth trajectory with the SM title + role so if I were you I would focus energy there. You can likely go into PE Ops after and the title will provide leverage for further comp increases.
SM role will be more strategy that M&A tho some exposure. Analyst role will be driving end to end buyside process.
SM: 130, 15% target
Analyst: 100, 20% target potential moving up to 30-50% in coming months
Only looking to stay 12-24 months at either role.
build a fort
Why not just try for banking
Did you get the offer at Alight Solutions?
Also the role isn’t Corp Dev, it’s just Corp Strat
Corp Strat won’t get you any closer to PE but the title is stronger and the employer brand likely better. M&A job will give you very real skills (primarily a very “boots on the ground” view of how to navigate an M&A process) but the title sounds a bit low. Still, I’d say M&A job is a very strong option