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I need some likes to dm. Enjoy a picture of shaq
Hello fishes. I am new to Fishbowl so hopefully I’m doing this right. I am finishing my degree in Computer Engineering and just had an initial interview with Accenture for their Technology Development Program. I am overall very excited, despite some of the opinions I’ve seen. My question is, what certifications or courses do you recommend me pursuing in anticipation of receiving an offer or just in general to continue building my resume? (& where to obtain). TIA!
Lots of healthcare companies are considering or have begun implementing cloud solutions. You could be a program manager for their implementation project or manage operations.
ACN & Deloitte are technically T3. Kearney (T2) is hiring for managers in healthcare if you’re interested. We are strategy consulting though.
Weird flex
If you are looking for industry exit opportunities, I would say: EPIC in healthcare IT and/or Veeva in Pharma IT
Epic is not an exit opportunity from consulting. Don’t consider this unless you know you want to work at Epic. Flow of experienced employees at Epic is almost always outward, not inward.