Hi please help me out on this .
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Can anyone at Pwc AC bangalore office confirm if they are reopening anytime soon or already working in hybrid mode? I have an offer from HR who insists that office isn't gonna open anytime soon but not ready to give anything in writing. Given that HR has miscommunicated multiple things (verbally), it is difficult to take them up on their word. I wanted to understand how long before they start calling people back to office.
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Even the same thing is with me i am looking for a job switch and have applied to a lot of places waiting for a response from anyone of them. Ps i joined on 9th sept 2021 and i am a fresh graduate so experience is a thing companies look for. To answer your question if you stay till one year you will get your bonus regardless.
With or without notice period
Which service line and division are you in?
How does that matter 🤔
If you complete 1 yr regardless you are serving notice period or not
I want to trust you . Have u confirmed this from someone
Hi There,
Firstly, did your RL tell you during the career outlook discussion that you will receive x number of bonus? If yes then as per the policy performance bonus will be paid along with September month's salary which is on 30th sept. Also, in order to receive the bonus one must be actively employed at PwC. So, check with HR/Talent consultant whether you will receive a bonus or not.
In that case, please check with the HR or your relationship manager.
One of my colleague had a similar case. It works like this, at the date of bonus payout if you are active employee (not serving notice period) you should get the bonus.
Confirmed with a person who resigned recently and would be relieved on 1st October. He spoke to the HR and got to know that he'll receive the bonus in FnF