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Hi everyone!
The startup I’m with is growing fast and we are hiring Tech recruiters with at least 5yrs of experience:
I’m with them now for 3 months and I never felt as psychologically safe as I feel now — our Head of Talent is incredible, so as our leadership team as a whole. We have a true collaborative culture, and I am learning a lot with them. If you have any questions, feel free to DM or email me at :)
Anyone on bench reporting to airoli office?
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Holy moly my job sucks
Edibles for insomnia - has anyone tried before?
Anyone knows what Airwallex does? Good company?
I am not at Uber but am interviewing now and was very disappointed by what the recruiter told me to expect for comp (huge pay cut vs my manager salary and equity not enough to make up for it). Perhaps the role is just too junior that I applied for but it has a bunch of direct reports and feels pretty meaty. But from what I’ve googled the maternity leave seems solid (17 weeks I think).
Isn’t PM a technical role though? I’m not an engineer so only looking at non-technical roles.
Something to possibly consider is that they are exploring an IPO. So if you join, negotiate the hell out of your equity if they aren't willing to increase salary.
No question about pushing on equity, but I see their equity as pretty risky given they are already extremely highly valued and continuing to lose a ton of money, so there may be some down times ahead post IPO as investors lose patience.
Making 200k after ten years with the firm. Wondering what the pay would be at Uber and how stable it would be. I feel very stable and secure where I’m at.
Agree with BCG1 - with their valuation currently not sure if there is much upside with equity
There is. Issue is people still view tech companies with the same lens as normal companies. Netflix is called overvalued by traditional metrics, as is Uber but it won't go down.
The tech companies own and control data which is the new currency. The value of Netflix is in it's beat in the world data science, they will keep adding customers and segmenting their customers for value and Wall Street will stay happy. Only Google, Netflix and probably FB have stronger data science programs than Uber and Lyft.