99% of the new grads that come out want to do this work, and 1 year in most want to get out. I wouldn’t narrow your focus so early. It’s good to have interest but coming in as a new grad to go get as much broad healthcare knowledge / foundational counsutling skills sets before focusing on one particular area that you may or may not like.
Anyone at Cigna willing to chat about their experiences? I found a business operations/strategic planning role that aligns very well with my background I’d like to apply to!
99% of the new grads that come out want to do this work, and 1 year in most want to get out. I wouldn’t narrow your focus so early. It’s good to have interest but coming in as a new grad to go get as much broad healthcare knowledge / foundational counsutling skills sets before focusing on one particular area that you may or may not like.
Not boutique but Optum Care Transformation touches it.
Myers and Stauffer is totally looking for staff with backgrounds in public health!! My best friend works there and they love it
Would recommend looking at Mercer, especially our Total Health Management practice.
Vynamic and Slalom might be good fits.
I think Vynamic is doing a lot of stuff on culture and equity right now so I would definitely give them a look.
Thank you! I will look into them!
ConsenSys Health: https://consensyshealth.com/
HealthUp: https://www.healthupglobal.com/