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3 years ago, I got 50k. Peers made 45k-50k at other agencies. NYC.
90k. I dress well, talk nonsense and make great decks.
I’m at 60k in NYC
Offered, very well-known independent shop!
In 2018, $50k out of college - also, negotiated the hell out of a relocation contract, which a LOT of places offer but not many hires ask for.
Had my plane ticket and furniture moving expenses from Austin to NYC completely covered.
55k Texas as an associate experience strategist
48k - chicago
42k in Texas, with a master’s degree and previous experience in marketing (not strategy).
58K base + OT at a big agency in NYC
50k offered, leveraged competing offer to get 60k. NYC, coming out of VCU.
Offered 50k, leveraged to $55k in NYC
60 in nyc
56k + OT in NYC
I would look at the Real Agency Salary xcel sheet if you haven’t! I’m just out of college with 3 years of internship experience at 55k in Chicago