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Good morning everyone. I’ve been in sales for over 10+ years now with accumulation of telecommunications, HCM, and insurance sales being the most recent. I’ve always thought about becoming a Googler and I wanted to see what information you can provide with entry level sales at Google Closest location is the NYC office. I hear a lot about the cloud base sales department. If there’s a contact (recruiter) that I could connect with that will be helpful. Any advice would be appreciated! Thank you.
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Boston friends - what’s the thoughts on CTP?
Wrong question. It's polarizing and doesn't solve anything. My POV is that society as a whole (as well as each individual) benefits from good health therefore we all share a responsibility to facilitate it.
@digital producer 1- if trumpcare goes through it wont matter, healthcare laws will default to state law. Each state chooses what matters. Live in a conservate state that doesnt want to fund pre-existing? Oh well. You're out. This is why the smugness of the republicans is so outrageous. EVERYONE will be affected even if you dont have trumpcare. Gotta read the fine print. Regardless of your politics, people matter and healthcare matters. We all do better when our neighbors are healthy too. Its the fabric of society. Or the next hungry games.
A right.
A right!!
As a European, most definitely a right.
If life (Liberty and happiness) unalienable rights that the government is to protect and you need healthcare to live, then yeah healthcare is a right.
It should be universally available everywhere not just in Europe!
Definitely a right.
A right for sure
We have the NHS and it's bloody tremendous.
Not sure if it is a right, but it is the right thing to do
It's a right. A tremendous right. The biggest right ever, I guarantee it. Ask anyone.
Thank goodness for Republican Jesus.
As a Canadian, hell yes it's a right!
I guess why even question if healthcare is a right? That's not even a question. The question is what's the right way to ensure that everyone has access to healthcare, not just the privileged.
Right, duh. As SapRaz and Strat1 say. What sort of society are we that we even ask this question? Would we ask this about food, clothing and shelter?
Huh? You mean how Publicis insists that their US agencies strictly adhere to a 35 hour work week?
Without healthcare as a right we'd become a world of lovely, I'm sure, but boring, excel spreadsheet corporate people. Let's let the artists live too. Cool?
I never thought "right" is the right word to use. It's a service. Rights are things that don't have to be given by someone else. They are inalienable. Medical care is something that is provided from one person to another.
I would say health is a right. We have the right to be healthy. The system in place that we go through to achieve or maintain health should not be an unnecessary burden on our lives. Whether that burden be administrative, financial, or corporate in nature, it is all wrong and desperately needs to be reworked. Not that that is ever going to actually happen.