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Any tips for final interview round?
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Ok be honest, candidates. I really love this set of questions, I’ve been considering shifting my current interview style to these questions - I think they really give you an idea of who this person would be within the work setting. But the questions almost feel too deep for a recruiter to ask. What would you think if a recruiter took a different path and asked these questions instead of the usual ones?
How bad is it to change agencies every 2 years?
I actually got to talk to somebody about this not that long ago, and while every person and company has different answers, what I was told is that they were just getting basic info like dates and position titles. There may be some other questions asked, but I’d say unless they have a reason will probably keep it to the minimum.
Same. I believe they are only allowed to give facts that you worked there and when.
They keep it to minimum because they don’t want you to sue the hell out of them. Pretty sure it’s illegal to recommend against an employee during background check
They typically only confirm dates of employment and whether or not you’re eligible for rehire.
Thank you.
This depends on where you're located, and specific company policies. Like others have indicated, some companies are terrified that they'll get sued, so the policy might be that the referee can only confirm dates and titles. Sometimes the policy might be that they can't even do that much, which is super unfortunate. As to who they generally speak with, for the most part, that's up to you: you'll usually be asked to provide names and contact details. They may stipulate that the people on the list you provide need to hold certain positions (i.e. your boss, or not a subordinate).