Does anyone have insight into current salary levels for VP roles at a larger agency (500+ employees)? I'm making the move from freelance and just got an offer for 165k, little to no bonuses. The job is in corporate, mostly purpose/ESG work. I know there are a couple threads on this, but with the current market, wondering if salaries have gone up at all. Thanks, in advance, for any feedback!
It’s a tough move - typically FDD people run circles around MBB consultants in excel but lack the strategy frameworks and lexicons to lead a team. You should be prepared to take a step back in terms of experience to learn the A/C role. One place to explore are the turnaround teams. They are busy now and you know what a general ledger is.
What’s FDD?
Oh…yeah…. Possible to switch but expect a haircut in recognized you
Go to T2 imo then MBB