How can you tell when staying home alone is introversion vs social withdrawal/isolation, which is a symptom of something more serious?

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When you’re bothered by being home alone. Personally I stay home a lot, as that’s what recharges me after being “on” at a client all week. Need quiet time.


When you aren’t making plans to break-up the home solitude


Director1, doesn’t it stand to reason that someone who does not periodically go out with friends often enough is likely to have weaker face to face relationships? The chances of wanting out go out Fri and Sat when you’re with people from 8am to 10pm M-R are almost zero. A few of those months go by, and I would not be surprised if some are unwillingly alone from time to time.


Typically I’d WFH and then go out and see people on the weekends or maybe one or two times a week

Exactly^ Wanting solitude is not an illness. We all need different levels of external stimulation. Problem is when someone is unwillingly alone.

We’re consultants, right? Which means that when a client needs help with something, we advise them to talk to an expert. Talking to a therapist doesn’t mean your crazy - it means you’re brave and wise enough to ask for help when you could benefit from it

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Hi everyone I am relocating to Hyderabad next month. Even though I look forward to meeting new people I can’t seem to ignore the fact that I will move away from family. My family situation is already complicated, my mom and dad are not on good terms so we don’t live together and when I move it’ll get worse. I am financially independent but I feel guilty for not being there for them. Is there any possibility of getting transferred to Gurgaon office(a lot closer to my home)if I talk to my manager?


As someone with ADHD, the impulsive side of me speaks up in meetings without fully processing the information. Then when corrected, I beat myself up for the rest of the day.

What has ended up happening over time is that I have started to come off as an introvert (because of the fear of being wrong) and also with low confidence. This is not a good trait in client facing roles where we are constantly making recommendations and clients look up to us.

Anyone else deal with this?


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I never thought I’d say this, but I kinda miss the networking events and stuff. I used to just show up to those to be a good “firm citizen,” but I’d really love to see another lawyer in person instead of through a Zoom call. If I ran into one of my old classmates from law school, I’d probably hug them right now.

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Curious to get perspective...I have 2 kids in elementary school and I have no idea how my working spouse and I are going to manage virtual learning. I understand there’s no obvious solution, but curious if you find it odd that there’s no acknowledgment by leadership that this is a massive issue facing a large portion of the workforce (with potential implications to the business)? Not looking for advice on my situation, but perspective on how you think this will play out for orgs and employees.


I felt like a walking zombie during thanksgiving, barely eating and barely talking. My family is small and I told them ahead of time my relationship ended. I focused on my niece and nephews, cried when I wanted to and slept from 8pm-noon for the last 5 days. Showered once or twice. That’s the best I could do and that’s OK right now. I’m back in my apartment, just trying to take it one day at a time, and not re read his texts too much. My birthday is Thursday 🙄


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Got transitioned out at my company, for not “clicking” quickly enough with some types of ppl (generally got no problem with it). So why even hire introverts if you expect them to be extrovert anyways?


I hate leading large meetings after 2-3pm. I always feel so relieved once the meeting is over that my brain thinks the day is done. But I usually have a bunch of follow up work to do 😑


What topics do you bring up when you’re networking? My conversations skew bizarre because I sincerely don’t want to be talking to people to network. “So where do you work?” can’t be all of it.


How do people handle large conferences & the ask to network when it makes you very uncomfortable & exhausts you far faster than your peers. What’s a conference you’ve attended that’s been good to you?


Wondering what other high paying (6 figure) jobs might be out there that have the same level of intellectual stimulation as consulting without all of the schmoozing and social obligations. Any ideas?


Insomnia strikes again...maybe I should have gone out tonight like everyone was pressuring me to


I have 4 back to back meetings where I’m facilitating today. I’m exhausted and anxious thinking about it 😖


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