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Good jobs for introverts? So over consulting.
Introverts save lives

Repost from the memes bowl 😂😂

When you’re bothered by being home alone. Personally I stay home a lot, as that’s what recharges me after being “on” at a client all week. Need quiet time.
When you aren’t making plans to break-up the home solitude
Director1, doesn’t it stand to reason that someone who does not periodically go out with friends often enough is likely to have weaker face to face relationships? The chances of wanting out go out Fri and Sat when you’re with people from 8am to 10pm M-R are almost zero. A few of those months go by, and I would not be surprised if some are unwillingly alone from time to time.
Typically I’d WFH and then go out and see people on the weekends or maybe one or two times a week
Exactly^ Wanting solitude is not an illness. We all need different levels of external stimulation. Problem is when someone is unwillingly alone.
We’re consultants, right? Which means that when a client needs help with something, we advise them to talk to an expert. Talking to a therapist doesn’t mean your crazy - it means you’re brave and wise enough to ask for help when you could benefit from it