I have been working my tail off since coming back to work after a parental leave (which my boss was not happy or impressed about me taking) to get back in good standing. Today was my bi-annual review and the partners left me such glowing reviews it left me in tears to see that my hard work to both be there for my family and make it in my career has been noticed 😭

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You shouldn't have to work extra because you took time off for family (something you're entitled to under the law). Congrats to you, but consider looking elsewhere, because it sounds like a toxic environment if they were "not happy or impressed" about you taking parental leave.


Yeah, it was mostly frustrating because it was not communicated beforehand, but 🤷🏻‍♂️. I’m happy enough (especially because I can bump back tracks now), the firm has a lot of flexibility generally, and I’m keeping an eye open for better opportunities with no urgency to get out now.


Congrats!! 🎉💕 Screw your boss. You deserve it!


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