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You need to focus on non-scale victories, such as the reduction in waist and the muscle gain. Trust me I’m working to lose a significant amount of weight myself and it is HARD. Sometimes it feels like there are more bad days than good. But then I remind myself that I am almost out of the plus sized clothing range (and will be able to buy standard sizes) and I can run three miles without stopping.
It’s tough but you just have to keep pushing!!
Rising Star
Yep! I actually put my scale in the back of my closet, so it’s hard to get out. It was becoming very toxic for me so I just got it out of my sight and carried on. I couldn’t accurately tell you my current weight, i can just show you the extra space in my clothing! And right now that’s all I need.
OP, This is exactly what happened to me last summer. I started working out and eating clean on May 30 2021, I would lose and gain back the lbs for the first months or so. But I kept at it because I had an accountability partner and love the way i was feeling throughout the process. I didn't start seeing changes until early July. My suggestions are as follows:
1st, find yourself an accountability partner, someone you can account to keep focus on your goal. Talk to them daily.
2nd, Think of all the other benefits (gains) you have so far. By now, you should see differences in your endurance in the bedroom. You should feel more relaxed overall. If you are feeling better about yourself, then that's reason enough to keep going.
Best of luck to you; as for myself, I lost 40lbs overall in 5 months but the main benefit for me were that I am more calm, feel way better about myself.
Impressive 👍 love it
Congratulations! Keep at it. It took me at least 6 weeks of off and on cleaning out my diet and consistently work out to establish my current routine. It took a while to get rid of cravings by eating enough to stay satiated. Now I’m watching how much carbs I eat and sodium intake to make sure it’s not water weight.
A half inch off your waist is huge. Keep going. Lots of "little progress" adds up, and the scale isn't everything. I'm 30lbs heavier than I was in high-school and can fit in my.junior prom dress still, built loads of muscle over the past 4 years. Hang in there and keep going.
Keep going!! Don’t worry about the scale and remember muscle weighs more than fat. Pay attention to how you feel ❤️
OP first off, you are seeing changes; half an inch in a month is awesome. I’ve started/stopped my fitness journey many, many times. What has worked for me this time is to look at it as eating healthy, not dieting. I looked up recipes of things I enjoy, my favorite salads and Ive been consistent with it. I’ve cut out sugar and processed food and my cravings are gone for the most part. I’ve found alternatives that work for me like hearts of palm instead of pasta and sugar free jello for dessert.
More importantly, I changed my mentally. I started saying to myself that anyone can exercise but those who see results are the ones who get up and put in the work on those days that they’re not “motivated”. Now I have signed up for group classes and I get up and go on those days I’m not feeling it.
Be patient, consistent, and kind to yourself. Know that with every conscious decision of eating that salad and doing that workout you’re 1% better everyday.
Also since you ask for motivation tips, not so long ago I watched a video where they explained that Motivation and Discipline are a cycle. We often think that it starts with motivation and then discipline follows, but since it’s a cycle you can start with discipline. How? By showing up and deciding to eat well EVERY DAY, then motivation will come once you start seeing those inches come off. Fwiw I started seeing results after 6-8 weeks and I’m never going back. You got this!!
Thank you everyone! I appreciate the abundance of helpful and encouraging comments 😊
I probably let myself get a bit too swayed by seeing more dramatic changes, but all of you are right
Forget the scale. Focus on how your clothes feel. If you’re gaining muscle and losing inches, you’re doing great!
This is a marathon of a journey not a sprint. You are the only one giving merit to numbers on a scale. What matters more is the many micro decisions you make each day when you choose your health over indulging. Keep it up!
And the person above me is Spot on.water consumption is very very crucial and important you should be aiming to drink about a gallon a day actually. I would also advise incorporating a daily mindfulness/meditation routine during your mornings or evenings or both you can use these sessions towards training your mind and preparing yourself to commit to your goals
Find ways to make your life easier. For me, I swapped most of my starch to oatmeal or squash because it is a diet I can like. (Lowered my cholesterol soooo much now I don't even sweat about it)
I actively go on hikes and swim because I enjoy these activities (and they burn good calories).
Make the efforts enjoyable to you, then you would be able to stick to it. Otherwise it is easy to give up.
I have the same problem, I try to think about it as me learning the basics of how to live healthy and then practicing them and getting better obviously you can learn the basics of something like baseball pretty quickly and play a possible baseball game but you're not going to be really good at baseball until you practice enough and certain basics become second nature to you. Starting is a huge step takes a lot of effort but if you're consistent enough the things you're doing right now will soon be second nature and you can be healthier in ways that you can't imagine right now without taking as much effort
Agree with PC1 - a half an inch is great! Especially after only a month.
Also remember that muscle weighs more than fat, so overall weight is not the whole story. Keep at it!
Stop weighing yourself. Think about it. What did people do before scales existed? They definitely weren't counting pounds lost. It feels better to say "I'm so excited to wear this dress this weekend" than "I lost 15 pounds." To me, there's no meaning to the latter. Scales are a thief of joy. Stick with your measurements and any other NSVs that are important to you
Keep going!!! When I lost weight it took about 3 months of consistency then the weight melted off. Stick with it. Find friends that share the same goals or desired lifestyle, and find exercise you enjoy. My life changed with i found a community thru Crossfit and working out doubles as an enjoyable social hour with friends. I hate missing a class! And I WANT to eat healthy because it makes a difference on how I perform in the gym. Don’t give up and don’t let it feel like a chore!
If you’re losing inches and gaining muscle, that tells me you have lost fat but it hasn’t been reflected on the scale because you’re gaining muscle. Keep doing what you’re doing. Focus on how you feel, on whether your clothes are fitting looser, on inches lost, etc.
Try tracking your macros and carb cycle before and or after workouts. Do HIIT cardio, will maintain muscle while burning fat
This^^ I started doing Hiit clases 2 months ago and I’ve lost body fat and gained muscle, yet scale hasn’t moved. I feel and look much better
As most have pointed out here, focus on the non-scale victories. Weight is one of a hundred data points that lead to over all health. the wholistic perspective is the proper approach. Eat as healthy as possible. Do not over eat, and exercise.
Work on your mental health and habits as well.
As to your question about motivation, that can vary. One of the things I think of when I wake up, and am feeling lazy and trying to give myself excuses to get out of working out, is that I need to get up, put in the work through my workout, to set that example for my children. I am almost 50 and my girlfriend is eating better, staying away from soda, and getting more physical exercise, and she says it is because of my example. The fact that she shared that with me is the single most motivating factor in my life.
Are you working out to look better and be healthier or is it just to make the scale read an arbitrary number? If it's the former, then you are making progress. Since you're just starting out, you're able to build muscle and lose fat at the same time quite easily, meaning your weight might stay stable, but you're still achieving the outcome you were looking for. The number on the scale can be used as a proxy for that, but it is not a 100% true indicator. Eventually losing fat and gaining muscle at the same time will become more difficult, so enjoy it while it lasts!
F here - i haven’t weighed myself in years because i know i’ll only focus on one number! i focus on how i feel (tired, energetic, etc) , how i look (how clothes fit, how my muscles look) , how i perform at the gym and it’s been a much healthier relationship with my body.
Those are great gains made! Already looking more muscular, inches off waist! Congratulations.
I would recommend try eating slower
And if drinking more water
If you aren’t already doing these