Any advice on if your specifically assigned practice area stalls due to factors you can’t control (e.g. rising interest rates causing borrowing to stop and your a loan documentation attorney)? Most other practice areas are full or don’t have additional work to dish out at the moment so I’m not sure what to do. I’m worried about not meeting billable requirements but don’t see much I can do.

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I was in this situation in 2020. No one was buying commercial real estate, so my practice just disappeared basically over night. I was able to get one-off assignments from other groups, but did a lot of non-billable work for the firm when things were super slow. Have you spoken to the partners in your area? Perhaps they need help with writing articles or updating form documents? Or maybe they can help you get enough work from other groups to meet your billables?


Yes, similar situation. Just keep checking in with people and let them know you are available to help on any billable or nonbillable work. Now is also a good idea to get involved with other firm activities like recruiting/diversity initiatives/ pro bono/ business development/bar activities. I think if you don’t have a lot of billable hours, it’s good for the firm to see that you’re still invested and involved.


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