Can I be fired for constantly getting same feedback from my engagement managers that I need to pay attention to details? How do I improve on this?

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Pay attention to the details.


Slow down and spend more time reviewing work before sending it on.


Create checklists and use that to go thru your work at night.

Take notes and make sure your leadership sees you doing this stuff.

If nothing else it will show that you are taking this serious


Stop multi tasking. Do and complete one task at a time. Also, I agree with A1. I always suggest a checklist of items to twice before sharing deliverables upwards. Finally, it never hurts to have a peer review your work.


I think printing stuff out is helpful if you can. I print and then don't look at it for a couple of hours. Then I can see things better


May be I have ADHD


I've also found reading things out loud helps me catch mistakes. It's sometimes hard to do at the office but if you can it'll work!


Meditate every night.


I have this problem too. Somehow I can sit down and review something 15 times and still have a partner or director tell me I missed something and I'm being sloppy. Don't know how to do it alone. I always need a 2nd pair of eyes but sometimes you don't have that option.


I have to give this feedback to a lot of people... I think it's always worth spending the extra couple of hours to carefully self review your work. It saves me time and makes you look better. Win win

Checklists is a good idea. For slides, spelling, consistent formatting, page numbers, etc. for excel, gut check your numbers to make sure they make sense. It makes you look really stupid when you show me the ROI of something is 32872%.

Walk away from it for an hour then come back and review with fresh eyes. Make the checklist A1 mentioned and use it with your fresh eyes. It won't do you any good to use a checklist right after you complete it. You still won't see anything.

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