Hey all - any Deloitte people see the social cryopreservation benefit? Curious if anyone has experience or knows how it works / doesn’t work with the benefits plan

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Post your non cat/dog friends

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Thank you so much for your help

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Like I would like to know what will be the next designation/band once for me if I get promoted?

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Thank you in advance!

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Additional Posts in Fertility Bowl

Thought I was being really proactive by looking into freezing my eggs at 29. Did the initial testing and am floored by how poor my indicators are (amh = .7, etc). ☹️ anyone else find out like this? Completely didn’t expect it.


Has anyone tried not putting fertility related treatments through insurance and just going straight to OOP? Am wondering if that would be less expensive since I’ve been told that doctors and insurance companies mutually set the rates when things get processed through insurance.I’m at the beginning of this journey and already drowning in bills. It seems that even visits to the OBGYN to discuss test results related to fertility are not covered, let alone the tests and ovulation induction meds :(


27, first pregnancy 6 weeks and I think I just had a miscarriage. Waiting for my doctor to call me back because I’m not sure what to do. Any advice or insight on what happens during this next appointment? I’m scared I’m just going to burst into tears we planned to tell our families this Friday


Just tested positive for COVID and I was supposed to start a medicated FET cycle tomorrow (would have begun taking estrogen pills tomorrow and target transfer date was July 28). Obviously, this cycle has to be called off, but now I’m worried about how soon we can get back to it. Anyone else been in this situation? Can you tell me how it impacted your timing and if there were any long term effects?


Hi everyone, I am 4 days into my IUI process. I also recently found out that my UTI was not a UTI but instead Ureaplasma. My husband also tested positive.
We are waiting to hear back from the fertility specialist but I wanted to see if anyone has had this experience, or any knowledge. I’m nervous that the antibiotics will affect my ability to conceive, but just as nervous ureaplasma will make it difficult as well. I can wait until next month and start over but I really don’t want to. Any advice


Where can I go to check my sperm count?


Is it time to start the IVF process ? We already had 4 IUIs done over the last 6 months without success . RE says it’s your call now .


I am planning to change jobs but worried about losing the IVF coverage. I was reading that New Jersey mandates that all insurance providers that cover pregnancy, should provide fertility coverage. Does that mean, we have blanket coverage if we stay in New Jersey. What if the employer is in New York? Looks like NY also have similar mandate. Which one will apply and how?


Gonna transfer my first embryo. Any thoughts on having a boy or a girl first? I know it might not turn into a baby, but I still wanna dream a bit. Thanks


Does anyone have any good recommendations on chemical and fragrance free soaps and shampoos for pregnancy?


Amy recommendations for an ivf doctor in Mumbai? Low AMH and poor response to IVF round 1


I’ll be doing my first FET soon. Maybe two weeks post FET, I am supposed to be a MOH at a friends wedding out of the country. Partner and I are on the fence about going. We want to manage my stress and don’t want to look back and regret not being overly cautious if things don’t work out as expected. Any thoughts?


Has anyone had a D&E? 21 weeks pregnant and after meeting with several specialists the verdict is that we need to terminate for medical reasons 😞. Aside from the obvious emotional devastation, I am trying to figure out what to expect physically?


I’m about to undergo elective egg retrieval (not due to infertility, just preserving my eggs!). Does anyone know if insurance typically covers the medication component (I.e. the injected meds)? I know the cycles themselves won’t be covered since I have no history of infertility. Thank you!


Are there any studies on the outcomes of IVF babies ? We heard from our doctor that they pick the best eggs and the best sperms then implant the blastocysts that show the best growth - I was curious if those advantages continue on after birth.


Hurry up eggs, I need my retrieval to happen BEFORE Thanksgiving.


I’m 31yrs old and husband is 33yrs old, his motility and sperm count is too low, all my results are normal. so we decided to go with IUI first and see and then try for IVF as I cannot afford IVF, my insurance is not covering for treatments. I was taking letrozole And ovidural injection(only one injection), and got ready for this cycle, but unfortunately when the sperm was washed his motility 2.5 and our doctor at CCRM suggested not to go, as count is too low and it doesn’t work.😭. Will IVF work?


Ok second IVF. 12 eggs 8 made to day 5 and now going thru PGA test. Fingers crossed... need some good energy and confidence before the FET again!


Any words of wisdom as I begin taking Femara and prep for an IUI? It’s been a year of trying and I’ve pretty much given up any sort of tracking anymore because it’s too unpredictable and disappointing.


Bruising after progesterone shots???
How long do these last? I’m 20 weeks pregnant and can still see light bruising from these shots. Is that normal?


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