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My boss (senior manager) pressurizes his entire span to apply for Annual Leaves for days when we are on bench. His thought process is that it would improve the utilisation rates and then not allow the employee to take any leave once the project starts.
He doesn't allow to apply personal leaves or special leaves quoting some BS.
I wanted your opinion if you also face similar issues? If not, any suggestions on how to tackle it? Everyone in his span I have talked to is super frustrated. EY
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Where and what are these companies in Michigan?!
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You’re doing amazing sweetie
12 weeks for both, Los Angeles, with a company size at about 150.
SaaS company in Utah with 130+ employees. We get 4 weeks paternal and 8 weeks maternal.
As a Father, really any Paternal benefit is better than nothing. I felt like with the 4 weeks off, although it feels and may seem small, I was able to help establish a routine with my wife while also not letting work pile up. I think anything more than 4 weeks I would end up just working simply because if I am not working, nobody else is doing what I do and it ends up just piling up and stressing me out. Just my two cents but either way, I love to see the though process unfold of people noticing that dads need time with their young along with the amazing mothers of the world.
I want to have a policy that is equitable between parents. When leave is given more generously to women we are saying that parenting is not an equal responsibility between partners.
SaaS w/employee count of 1800, HQ in San Francisco. Mothers 16 weeks, fathers 6 weeks (fully paid)