I’m an immigration paralegal but I have an MA in human rights. I’ve been working at my org for 2 1/2 years but I don’t see an upwards growth for me unless I go to law school but that is really expensive and it’ll take a few years. I’ve tried to seek promotion to Senior paralegal but I’ve been told I don’t have enough experience. Does anyone have any advice on what organizations may be interested in hiring someone with my experience?
Bowl Leader
Does your current org have any senior paralegals?
From my experience at impact litigation nonprofits, most don’t have more than one or two paralegals and they just have the paralegal title. I’d recommend asking your current employer specifically what experience you’d need to move up to senior paralegal, if that’s an option there. Do you want the title of senior paralegal or increased pay? Are there other paralegals at your org for you to supervise if you were a senior paralegal? What additional responsibilities would you like to take on?