Servus zusammen,
T1/T2 steigt man ja nach dem Master mit ca 80 ein, bin in ner T2 und bin inkl. Bonus bei ca 76k Entry (ca 83k nach 8 Monaten).
Das klingt für mich ja eigentlich ganz gut, wenn man hier allerdings auf Fishbowl unterwegs ist, liest man von den Amis schon ganz andere Summen wie 150k TC; Wie lässt sich das denn vergleichen? Deren Savings-Rate muss doch extrem hoch sein?
Davon abgesehen, wie strukturiert ihr eure Finanzen? Kann von den 3k netto ca 1/2 zur Seite legen..
If you like hiking, I recommend buying the Bible of SD hiking "Afoot and Afield San Diego." This is also out of the way, but there's the Pacific Southwest Railway Museum in Campo, where you can ride a train.
Second the book recommendation
Me too!
Me too!
SO much to do around here it's crazy. I've lived near mission beach for almost 6 years now and I love the access to the water, the burritos, mission bay; nobody knows how blessed we are.
Really cool, love this place I need more friends to explore haha
Definitely check out Balboa park! One of America's most underrated pals. There is a beautiful draw bridge, there are museums; it's such a lovely place to spend a day and get lost. Welcome to the city! I hope you enjoy.
You gotta check out all the beach cities going north into north county. Solana Beach, Encinitas, La Jolla...every little town has their own vibe. Check out Pizza Port ! It's so good and the beer is delicious too.
Me too
Me too!
I'm not NEW new, but I have only been here about a year. So much exploring still to be done!
Send me a message
Just moved here last week. Also hoping to meet new people that could help me find my way around.
Hey I’ll make a whatsapp group to explore San Diego send me your name and number 😊
Me too!!
Me too!
Access to the beach and its food is my favorite part! Also, that everyone is active every day makes being healthy easier! I love this city!
Me too!!!!
I would love to show you around. Only been here a year but I knwo some really cool spots.