Just landed a full time gig, looking to get some furniture so I’m not working on my parents’ kitchen table during this remote period. Any recommendations for desks and chairs? I’m hoping to find something that’s easy to assemble and break down for when I need to move, and something that won’t cost an arm and a leg.
I know everyone has a different kind of setup that works for them. I currently have a laptop, drawing pad, second monitor, and a desk riser.
Have a friend out of Chicago office who lives in Maine
2.5 hours away
I'm out of the Chicago office and just moved to Mexico....
I've got a friend in the LA office who lives in San Diego
I was living in Chicago for 6 months while out of the DC office. #goodbyeAFS
I live in Honolulu but my home office is McLean. S&1 let's grab drinks sometime.
I know someone out of the Boston Office who lives in Orlando
I'm out of Chicago office but live in Honolulu
I live in Denver but am in the Chicago office
Ok so I'm out of the SF office but planning on moving soon. Is it chill if my tax forms are sent to a different state? Not exactly sure how that works...