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Completed all interview rounds and salary discussion was completed, also joining form is submitted in discover portal, however even after close to a month now I haven’t received the offer , the update from HR few weeks was “it would come by today “, but still haven’t received OL and HR refuses to answer the call, please advice next steps other than trying other companies.HCL Technologies
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Same company? And boss is asking you to take it? Just apply, worst they can do is say no and you’re still in the same situation. Use like a class project or sports team you played on. If it’s been that long, barrier probably isn’t that tough at this point
I mean it seems that the demand is there! I would just apply and explain your qualifications
Enumerate your strengths and your qualifications. And if your boss is begging you to take the shift, then do it.
Highlight your unique skills and strengths in that area. And probably explain a little as to why you should be in that position. Good luck!