I'm currently an audit supervisor who will be starting as an accounting manager at a smaller firm. My current salary is $95K and the new place is $100K. When I put in my two weeks notice, my current firm offered me a promo to manager for $115K. I am completely drained from auditing and I really don't want to stay any longer. After initially already accepting my offer at the smaller firm, should I go back to negotiate my offer to get a higher salary using the new info as leverage?
Yeah, why not. Worst thing they will say is no.
Is it so small that you’re negotiating directly with the partner, or are you negotiating with HR? If it’s HR, who cares? They won’t be doing your performance review anyway.
PwC has audit supervisors? 🤯
A supervisor makes more I would think lol but very odd I had never heard of one
If you’re drained from auditing why are you staying in PA?
Dude take the PwC manager role and dip after 6 months. More money and probably better opportunities. Forget screwing people over.. these companies ghost people all the time. You have the leverage here, use it.
You can make way more money leaving as a B4 manager.