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Hi everyone!!! Last year I put together a list of classrooms to exchange valentines with! We mailed 1 valentine to each class and included a picture if we could, and a few things about where we live and things we do!
I currently have 13 classes signed up! The more the merrier!!
We have classes CA, WI, PA, KS, TX, RI, MI, Canada, New Zealand.
I have a form to fill out if you are interested! I will email everyone the list probably at the end of the week if not sooner!
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Hello. 7th grade Science teachers!
Take a look at An online marketplace for teachers to buy and sell resources. All of your hard earned work for virtual learning can be posted on lessontrader and make you some extra money! FREE membership with discount code “vipfree”. Once you upload a lesson there is nothing else needed. Just wait and collect once someone buys your stuff.

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unlock all discussions on Fishbowl.
If you have students that know the content well, you could add content crusher as a job to help other students.
I have jobs for students; passing out and collecting papers, supplies, changing the information on the board (helps with their writing skills), passing out and putting up chromebooks, feeding the fish, cleaning the fish bowl. My students enjoy volunteering to sweep the floor. This teaches them employability skills.
Middle Schoolers love to help!
Classroom greeter.
So, not jobs inside of groups, then? Researcher - every few days a kid tacles a question from the question board. Librarian - my reading & reference shelves get intermingled.
If you use chromebooks or the like you could have a "tech pro" or two per period. Someone to collect/ pass back papers. If you use supply boxes a student or 2 could replenish/ stock them, light cleaning, pencil sharpener, someone per period who can help absent students with work or labs.
What do you all use as "payment"? I have a token economy so I use my fake money but would like to offer the kids other choices. Thank you!
content crusher
ohhh... I just like the sound of that. Explain please!
Awesome idea!! Love it!
Quality assurance- they oversee the measurements/procedures/protocol and make sure they are accurate, make sure all the constants are constant and there is only 1 variable.