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I always teach it matter of fact - with all the details, no mincing of words or avoidance. Very honest - and I agree with the question box for kids who are afraid to ask something out loud.
I agree completely. Also I always start off with this is something that is all about you. You all have what we are talking about and you need to know about your body and how it operates. I also establish a question "vault" box. This allows them to ask things they are too embarrassed to ask in the group and if it's something that parents should answer I'll still read it to the class and then explain why that's a good one for their parents to address to open up that conversation with them.
Speak very frankly and matter of factly. Use the appropriate terms for everything No cute euphemisms. Don't tolerate any giggling. They're old enough to take this important topic seriously. It will affect them for the entire lives.
Have them write their questions on an index card, turn it in at the end of the session. Read all the questions at the end of the day, throw out the inappropriate questions. Next day class period end the session with reading and answering the previous day’s questions professionally and frankly. This way it doesn’t embarrass any students wanting real answers but would not ask out loud. Also, this cuts down on immature out bust questions. I taught a program called “Worth the Wait” in Texas. This was a process done with this program. If was very successful. Oh, this was the ONLY time I had their full attention all year. 😂
Have them write questions on note cards, so you can address the legitimate ones, and not have any embarrassing questions asked out loud.