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How bad is it to change agencies every 2 years?
Anyone hiring for Salesforce roles?
Ok be honest, candidates. I really love this set of questions, I’ve been considering shifting my current interview style to these questions - I think they really give you an idea of who this person would be within the work setting. But the questions almost feel too deep for a recruiter to ask. What would you think if a recruiter took a different path and asked these questions instead of the usual ones?
You can see what others say, too, but I think it's okay to go with two pages, especially for creative roles. Especially if you feel like one page seems cluttered, I don't see how it would hurt to add another page.
I think 2 pages is pretty standard now from what I've seen. Like you said, they're sending all our resumes through AI scanners anyways so they aren't having to sift through hundreds of 2 page resumes on their own. I've been going with 2 pages, but if any recruiters here want to argue against that, I'd love to hear the argument.
You know what is funny, when I was in college for my undergrad we were told we needed a two-page resume was the standard. Then after I completed grad school we were told to stick one page. Then two years ago I tried finding a job with a one page resume but wasn't having any luck so I switch back to two pages and started landing interviews so I guess two pages is really the way to do.
Thanks to all who commented! All your responses make sense. I have 10 pages and trying to cram it al in one page with any depth has been hard. Going to try the 2-page approach and see where it gets me, thank you again!