ASUS MB168 / MB168+ - splurge on the HD one if you can.
Put together a 1 paragraph business case write-up about how you have to review other people’s work and/or increased efficiency (plenty of articles out there). Also push for it if you work solely on one client (potentially chargeable to your engagement).
Also consider a privacy screen for mid-day Netflix / sports-streaming.
Huge fan of this one. It fits in my backpack. Doesn’t take a lot of space. Super easy to use. Legit best purchase I’ve made last year. Worth the price tag in my opinion.
AOC also offers USB compatible monitor for decent price on amazon. They are very lightweight which also means flimsy so don’t put them in a place where they will be squeezed (aka bag with tight space) as the monitor will crack even with the fabric case provided.
I have an HP portable monitor from PwC that I like a lot. Very convenient to have for travel
I’d also check out the app Duet - makes your iOS device a second screen, works really well.
Came here to suggest this - iPads are much easier to carry when traveling than a second monitor.
Same as PwC, I have an HP portable monitor. Just plugs into the USB port on your laptop.
Ordered the Kickstarter Duex. Check it out. 12.5" monitor that slides in the back of your laptop.
Duex review?
A usb monitor is like $100, well worth it. I have a large desktop monitor, USB monitor, and laptop screen when I'm working from home.
ASUS MB168 / MB168+ - splurge on the HD one if you can.
Put together a 1 paragraph business case write-up about how you have to review other people’s work and/or increased efficiency (plenty of articles out there). Also push for it if you work solely on one client (potentially chargeable to your engagement).
Also consider a privacy screen for mid-day Netflix / sports-streaming.
Huge fan of this one. It fits in my backpack. Doesn’t take a lot of space. Super easy to use. Legit best purchase I’ve made last year. Worth the price tag in my opinion.
GeChic 1305H 13.3" FHD 1080p Portable Monitor with HDMI, Ultra Slim, Light Weight, Horizontal & Vertical Display Connect, Audio Jack
Another vote for duet and an ipad
AOC also offers USB compatible monitor for decent price on amazon. They are very lightweight which also means flimsy so don’t put them in a place where they will be squeezed (aka bag with tight space) as the monitor will crack even with the fabric case provided.
Same as KPMG and PWC... portable monitor
EY gave us an HP portable monitor
Does the hp portable monitor work with macbook pro?
EY has portable screens as well...