Thinking of moving to Dallas or Austin. Any advice on which one? Looking for diversity (Asian American), things to do, outdoorsy stuff, food, and decent affordability. Household income is about ~180k.
Right now I've mostly looked at Dallas and thinking of the Frisco/Plano area, but really having a hard time deciding. Thanks in advance!!
I am but I think it’s because my hair is in a ponytail all the time now. I’m trying silk hair ties. TBD if they work
Conversation Starter
You could try a big crocodile clip or similar also as a hair tie alternative. Or a good ol’ scrunchie!
Rising Star
Where are you noticing it more? Has your care routine changed since you started WFH?
You actually lose quite a bit of hair everyday - maybe WFH causes you to notice it more.
I agree that it may be that you’re just noticing it more since it’s on your floor instead of the office floor. But also, you can lose more hair due to stress.
Former Cosmetologist here. It is typical to lose 100 strands of hair per day. If your hair is long, it will appear to be more. Agree that you may be noticing it more because you're at home all day. Increased Spring-Summer hair loss is also common. Only be concerned if you notice obvious patches of thinning hair, then consult with a physician about doing tests. Could be stress, too, so make sure you're eating nutritious food, getting some exercise and sleep.
I have more white hairs now with WFH 😭
Fall hair don’t care
That’s what happens when you don’t shower regularly.
Following. I have noticed this too.
Rising Star
Hair fall could be due to hair breakage or hair loss. Believe the treatment for either are different?
My hair is dry af. I just put a lot of Shea butter and almond oil on the ends. Hoping it helps, might have to cut off a good portion of it.
Conversation Starter
No, it's just you started noticing. Before, you really didn't care, but now, you care.