Has anyone here had a difficult recovery post-egg retrieval? It’s been 3 days and I’m still in a lot of pain. The medical team said I should expect to be uncomfortable for 5-7 days or more due to the high number of eggs retrieved (=very swollen ovaries) and it will take 2 weeks to get back to normal.

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Yes. And my suggestion is to take milk of magnesia or a laxative ASAP because you are likely backed up from the meds causing extreme gas trapped and bloating. I almost ended up hospitalized from that the first time but the second I knew better and took laxatives the second day and was much better much sooner. But also monitor yourself for hyper stimulation as well if things don’t get better soon.


This worked for me as well! Also salty food


If you’re questioning this, check symptoms with your doctor. OHSS is definitely possible when lots of eggs are retrieved.
I had 42 eggs retrieved, and I was very uncomfortable for around a week. Unfortunately my doctor said I would be good the next day…which didn’t happen.


Hahaha. Yep! I responded a bit too well to the medications. It wasn’t fun.
22 fertilized, and only 4 embryos made it to freeze. You want quality over quantity.


Thanks all. I’ll probably call my doctor today. I’m on tylenol, motrin, and laxatives. Had 39 eggs retrieved. If I stand up too straight or walk any faster than a snail’s pace, everything hurts. I may need to give up and spend the next week horizontal.

Silver lining: I am between jobs so fortunately I have nothing to do, literally.


Thanks. I am doing better today- day 5! It will take awhile to get fully back to normal


🙋🏼‍♂️my wife had a really hard time recovering from her retrieval. She was swollen, crampy and in pain for a week. She also felt really nauseous for the entire time. Best thing she could do was just rest as much as possible and go for 30-45 min walks once a day. She also ate foods high in salt/sodium which helped absorb some of the excess fluids


How many eggs retrieved? I only had 10 and was basically back to normal in 2 days (except breast tenderness which lasted forever)


Also make sure that you are hydrated. Take electrolytes


Thanks. I am eating more protein and drinking a lot of Gatorade each day.


Yes I had this on my last one as they retrieved 16+ (can’t remember number). Doc was really unhelpful, just told me to drink a “normal amount of water” until it eases 🤷‍♀️



I had 4 eggs retrieved this past Monday. Experiencing gas and constipation, minimal pain. I’m sorry for your discomfort


The constipation 😑 this process is on another level.


This was me! So sorry and hugs to you! Also, it did not get better for me till I hit my menstrual cycle though in 5 days I started feeling better but then had a cyst which made me feel I was dying. Feel better!


Update: day 8 and I’m feeling much better. It’s been a lot of gatorade, protein, sleep, heating pads, and pain meds. I feel fortunate that the doctors gave me an accurate recovery timeline and plenty of meds. And SO glad to be done with the process.

Happy long weekend!


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