I attended a racial identity workshop in my district, and it was horrible! Argh! What are the best workshops out there for diversity ?

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i’ve done the courageous conversations workshops. they focus on having conversations about race. they have a whole protocol that if followed will lead to meaningful and deeper conversations about race. it gets pretty intense and emotional. the workshop’s facilitators run you through the protocol and it’s meant to highlight whiteness and how it permeates throughout all of education


The Racial and Social Justice Conference is amazing!

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Accenture referral (8-12 yrs)

# Agile project management #

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deewanshuagrawal@gmail.com with below details

Full name
Primary skill
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Minimum 8 year's of experience required and candidate shouldn't have applied before.


General question: Is there any room in corporate America for real, actionable DE&I discussions and initiatives? I've observed so many corporate versions become an advertising strategy (SM posts, diversity reports) without doing the actual work (increasing representation in senior leadership, salary analyses, having an effective reporting system for bias). Is this just how it is?


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Hello all,

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Was at an event recently. Seems like advertising really only cares about diversity as it applies to white women. I think this industry wants to stay white.


Biggest stereotypes about working in diversity & inclusion....Go!


What do you wish design students would learn in school to ease the transition into needs of business? I have seen an increasing need for more education/inclusion/overlap into other areas of business that depend on design teams so they understand what goes into the process. As well as design teams into the other business teams. This would alleviate tensions and improve quality product delivery due to the major miscommunications that occur so frequently.


Do NOT claim you are "colorblind" in the workplace. 1. DE&I knowledge is now a core leadership competency. Colorblind claims will earn you the reputation of being DEI-ignorant at best & racist at worst. 2. Colorblindness within the context of workplace diversity is an obvious lie. You do NOT want to be painted as an intellectually dishonest leader. 3. Colorblind claims signal that you lack the leadership skills & vocabulary to have key conversations. Ask questions here, in this safe space.

Post Photo

From the moderator, for discussion.

Should white males be concerned that current focus on diversity will lead to negative results

If Yes, why and under what conditions
If No, why not?


Hiring for the position of Business Analyst (Public Sector Consulting) at swiss MNC that's is global professional services provider offering research, analytics, and data management services.
Preferred background in Social sector with 1-2 years of work experience.
M.A. Public policy, Gender, Social work etc.
from TISS, PHFI, Azim premji, O.P. Jindal, ISPP

Please share your name/LinkedIn and Email IDs to know more about the JD.



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Hello everyone! What kind of schools are you all working in?

What’s your state doing to advance equity in edu? In CA we talk a lot about equity at the student/class levels, but aren’t addressing issues around financial equity and cultural equity in schools.


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