I've struggled a lot with my ADHD in my new position. Lately I've had some really good days and done good work. I know I should be happy about it, but my thoughts keep getting negative, like I know it won't last. Do you guys ever get imposter syndrome like this? How do you deal with it?
The only thing that's really helped me is feeling more neutral about the days where I just can't get anything done. Just an "oh well, today was not the day for being productive" and knowing a productive day will come and I'll make up for it. But if I stay negative, I get in a negative headspace where the good days come less often. All easier said than done, I know.
this is so wise. I'm trying to learn to be kinder to myself on unproductive days!
Imposter Syndrome= bad. Brilliant Conman Syndrome= good
Remember the feeling you get when you gain momentum - you can do so much. Now, give yourself that little push to build that momentum and focus on that instead of the negative thoughts. Wish you luck.
Rising Star
Just stay excited about the efficient days and take full advantage of them. I’m always thrilled when I get a solid efficient day in rather than being frustrated that it comes and goes.
ADHD has good characteristics that help us see legal issues differently than our peers at times. So, I can’t wish it away. It’s me and I work with it instead of against it as much as I can and I hope it all levels out in the end.
I'm recently coming off a really bad 2-3 weeks. I feel better today. for me, comes and goes in waves-- even when I'm on medication
P1: I was doing so well this summer, and then all of a sudden I feel like I crashed and burned (but that's probably because of the long hours too) I'm trying not to beat myself up. it doesn't help when a partner scolds you like you're 5 years old. that happened to me today and I shut down.
Some days are better than others. I'm pretty sure this is the case for everyone, not just those of us with ADHD. Try to hold onto that feeling of accomplishment when you have a particularly good day and remember that there were days before that day that were a struggle, yet you still managed to have a great day, despite that. Similar patterns will follow. Also, if you have anything tangible you can hold onto, such as an email from a colleague or higher-up thanking you for a job well-done or congratulating you on an accomplishment, go back and re-visit those positive words when you're struggling. I find that can be a total game changer.
Lately I have been reading daily emails from JDHD and finding them helpful for working through my imposter syndrome. The author strikes the correct balance between hopeful and empathetic. Subscribe for a daily dose of wisdom.
Yes. Whenever I am having a good day, I make sure to squeeze in as much work as possible. Just do your best and remember that small progress is still progress. Yo got this!