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I finished my final round(s) for a TAM position at Google (GCP) last week and was told by my recruiter that my feedback was great and that I made a solid impression on the team and am "firmly in the running". I was supposed to hear back this week (according to the recruiter) but he just told me that it's still in the process and that I'll have to wait for another week or so.
Is this common at Google ? I have heard they are notorious for being really slow with their hiring process.
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Finally, Friday has come 😇😎
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Anyone from R&R Partners here?
Neither. We accept the duffel bag full of cash and cocaine and then you get a Lion!
I’ve run a handful of awards shows and jury rooms inc Cannes. Generally, they will read it, yes. But it depends on the categories. In most cases, the jury will always refer to the written submission to check stats and facts. Results are important. Case films are always the the first thing they go to, but the judges are really very considerate to entries. They are well briefed. So unless your entry is really terrible, they will give it the time. Your written entry must match your video - i’ve read 1000s of entries and so many have holes in the story. Be concise and edit per category if you’re telling a specific part of the story. Good luck!!!
I always read them.
@GCD1 you should do a AMA
ha. okay. they look at the client. know the agency. vote for each other then go get drinks.
@ CD1 - Cannes system can spot bad voting like that. From the 10s of jury rooms/awards i’ve run at major festivals, i’ve maybe seen it happen maybe twice and it gets shut down. Judges take it seriously. You’ll always have some people who don’t play nice, but it doesn’t go unnoticed. There are people and processes in place to make it fair. The president’s role is to be mediator. If it’s a bad president, sure, you may get an unfair results but doesn’t happen often. In the last 5-7 years at Cannes, there have probably been 2-3 bad presidents who have never been invited back.
@BETC1 - AMA?! What’s that?! 🤔😳