Should I be scared if one of my superiors is actively threatening me and my safety? I don’t know who to talk to about this.

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First, chain of command. Open door policy. This is a clear violation of AR 600-20 and numerous Command policies. I would make sure the 1SG/CSM are also aware. If you don’t trust your chain of command, MPs and IG are also an option. Finally, find someone in your staff that you can trust. In no way is threatening a Soldier’s safety ok for mission accomplishment.


So that is not ok at all. You need to inform your chain of command. Whoever the superior is, isn't a very good one if the individual is threatening you and your safety. I don't not know the whole situation that you are going through but good talk to the person that is superior to the one that is threatening you. Plus there are outside sources that can also help.

Okay thank you for advice, my first instinct was also to report this but I was a little concerned that maybe I was misunderstanding the situation or that I could get myself in more trouble for speaking up

Of course, you must report it, you must go to rooms above him, and you have to make sure that it is not some mental game that this officer is applying to you to prove you in something.

We must not tolerate abuse in the armed forces, this type of thing must end in training, you should not be afraid if you do not have the courage to denounce it, because that is unheard of.

Many times these things are part of the life of a soldier but they are never serious, it is to test your courage, talk to him directly and you will see that everything is part of a strategy.

No, you shouldn't be afraid, and no, this is not a matter of abuse, some superiors use intimidation to basically force you not to make mistakes, be calm and patient, and nothing happens.

I think you're a little touchy, these things happen regularly in the armed forces, it's a way to build character, there are two ways to solve it, surprise your superior or talk to him directly when he realizes that you don't like him, he probably won't keep putting pressure on you like that.

Is it normal to feel geniuine concern for my safety?

I think the most important thing is that you measure whether he is doing that to make you feel really intimidated or it is a strategy to make you go further than you think, many times this is used as motivation.

I think this is definitely not about motivation, I can tell you that much

You have sources available to you right where you are: chain of command, EO, IG. Start with one of them and address your concerns

I will thank you. Just a bit scared that I might get myself in more trouble by speaking up so I want to make sure I'm doing so safely


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