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Take a look at An online marketplace for teachers to buy and sell resources. All of your hard earned work for virtual learning can be posted on lessontrader and make you some extra money! FREE membership with discount code “vipfree”. Once you upload a lesson there is nothing else needed. Just wait and collect once someone buys your stuff.

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I use Responsive Classroom. Students and I make the rules together. There is a cool down corner for students that need a break. Logical consequences match the action. No rewards for doing what you should be doing. Positive reinforcement is not directed at any one student when addressing the whole group. There’s lots to it and this is just a tiny bit of what it is. Lots of building community through Morning Meetings. I teach first grade.
I use a money system ( which I adapted of another teacher who used fuzzies). Kids get a penny every time they are engaged and following directions, money can later be exchanged for nickels, domes an quarters (as you introduce each coin). Once a month we have a coupon sale, also found on TPT. The kids turn in their coupons every morning to a basket on my teacher table. I teach them how to just place the coupon in without looking through because they will get their coupon back if someone else put it in before them. I have used the same system for 6 years with kids from different backgrounds and they love the ownership they feel. The coupons are easy and no need for treasure boxes.
I have a clip chart, I took off the ones with negative consequences to remain positive. You only get prizes if you get to the top. If you clip down to the bottom-no prizes. My class loves coupons. I found some on TPT that fit my classroom and allowed editing. Favorite coupons are: take off shoes, sit in my special chair on wheels for the day, take home a stuffed animal friend and a book, bring a show and tell, bring a stuffed animal that sits on their desk for the day but can come to the carpet. They love these and it costs me nothing.