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Def put education below experience, and use bullets. No one wants to read paragraphs.
Exactly this.
I’ve always used bullet points and moved education to the bottom when I was looking to leave law firms and go in house - not at a tech company though.
Got my format from Etsy and interviewed at Meta, google, and apple. Would definitely go with bullets but would consider something a little less traditional if you are looking at tech. My education is off to the side. I wouldn’t put it at the top of your resume unless you just graduated
Direct applications. Now that I’m here I have friends in HR. Referrals don’t help that much. Your resume needs to standout on its own all the referral does is guarantee that you get a response back if rejected
Definitely use bullet points. I’ve been in house my whole career and also been a hiring manager. I don’t think where you went to law school is as big of a factor in house. I moved my education to the bottom once I had a few years of work experience.
People pay the most attention to the top 1/3 of your resume, so you should put the most important points there
I used the same resume format I’ve been using since law school and so has my attorney husband, and of us have gotten interviews at plenty of big tech companies. Definitely use bullet points tho because no one has time to read paragraphs. Both of us put our educational info at the top. Lead with your best foot forward tho - so if your law school is less impressive, maybe move it down.
I work at a tech company in house and have also interviewed at several other tech companies for in house positions. I use bullet points and put my education at the bottom.
This may be controversial advice but if you went to a top law school leave it at the top. If you didn’t, move it to the bottom
Good point — if they specify top school, definitely keep up there. I just checked the listing for my current job and it’s not mentioned, though, and it’s a team heavy of T14 talent